Monday, May 17, 2010

Linux Crashes, JFS doesn't FSCK on reboot, requires manual fsck

I had been having some issues with a machine getting hard-shutdown on semi-regular occasion when its UPS battery backup was failing, and we had some brown-outs. Every time the server would boot back up after power was restore, it wouldn't automatically fsck one of the tertiary JFS file systems, and I would have to login manually to do it after each power up if it was shutdown improperly.

I had googled before, and read the fstab docs, but none of the changes I had tried were working. I decided to give it another go tonight, and found the article I've linked this post to, at it was as simple as changing my fstab as follows:

/dev/sdc1 /drive3 auto defaults,rw,noatime 0 0

/dev/sdc1 /drive3 auto defaults,rw,noatime 0 2

And that fixed it so it would run FSCK automatically during bootup if the system wasn't shutdown nicely, even on the tertiary partition.

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