Monday, April 16, 2007

opensuse suse 10 OSS ntop 3.2 recompile from source

After trying to download the ntop 3.2 source package from opensuse 10.2 (this server is opensuse 10.0), building it, and upgrading/installing it (rpm -Uvh over the current ntop 3.1.50 that was installed, I kept getting an error complaining about, like the following, the rest of ntop would work, just no RRD graphs, etc:

Mon Apr 16 03:38:21 2007 **WARNING** Unable to load plugin '/usr/lib/ntop/plugins/'
Mon Apr 16 03:38:21 2007 **WARNING** Message is ' cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'

After 10 or 20 minutes of futzing around, trying to recompile ntop 3.2 a few times, I decided to try removing ntop entirely from the system, *THEN* compiling the fresh copy. After compilation, I installed the ntop 3.2 from the newly created binary rpm in /usr/src/packages/RPMS/i586/ntop-3.2.xxxx.rpm, tried running it again, and it didn't complain and RRD worked this time.

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